Getting Closer to the Year 3000


Do you remember this song?

The video quality dates back to 2003 as well

It was a big hit back in 2003, when I was in my final year of primary school. During that year I also wrote a speech for our school’s public speaking contest about what the world would look like in 2010. Funnily enough, I didn’t talk about flying cars or teleportation, but I remember mentioning what phones would look like in 2010. We only had one in our household at the time; one of those gigantic bricks that you could hardly call ‘mobile’, with a thin antenna that extended all the way to the other side of the house (that’s only slightly exaggerated).

The evolution of the mobile phone over the past 30 odd years  is quite amazing, something that my 10-year-old brain definitely couldn’t have predicted. And if the current revolution is anything to go by, the Year 3000 will be pretty awesome for our “great-great-great-granddaughters”.

Nokia Nostalgia

Phones have evolved so rapidly that it’s hard to keep up. Who knows what it would look like in the year 3000? Would we even still call it a phone?

When looking at the evolution of mobile phones, I really can’t help but feel sorry for Nokia. Although I’m attached to my iPhone like there’s no tomorrow, I have to admit Nokia have made some pretty wacky phones back when they were the most popular kid on the block. Ones with keyboards shooting out either end of the screen and others in the shape of lipstick with an in-built mirror.

And my favourite: the Nokia 3200 with DIY covers and funky keys. It should be worth a lot more than the mere $7.99 eBay is selling it for nowadays. It was the Nokia 3310’s funkier sister; another phone that was so immensely popular back in the day. Apple is probably jealous of Nokia’s ability to design a phone that doesn’t break the second you stare at it for too long. Oh yes, the good old days when your heart didn’t skip a beat the second your phone fell out of your pocket.

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